It happens that the item you purchased does not suit you. We understand the situation and to prevent you from regretting your decision, we are offering you 30 days to complete any return of products that do not completely meet your expectations. All products are eligible for this policy except those considered “final sale”.
Refunds, not exchanges. Because at the speed things are moving, we don't offer exchanges. It is much faster for you to make a new transaction. If you prefer another size or color, order that style and return the unwanted product.
You have 30 days after your purchase to return items that do not satisfy you. If you would like to make a return, please contact our Email Service Team at
A $25 fee will be deducted from your refund to cover shipping and handling costs.
Promotional codes and special offers of a specific amount of money ($10, $25 etc.) are applied proportionally to all items in the order. Therefore, if you wish to return part of your order, the part of the promo code applicable to the returned items cannot be transferred to the rest of the order. Instead, the proportional promo code amount that applied to the returned item will be part of the refund.